The belief of opportunity


I had a long walk with one friend this morning. And she mentioned the quote while we were talking about how Americans like to make everything fun. We saw a marathon (run for funding maybe) and along the way there are bunches of people cheering for the runners, there are musicians singing every steps away and people dressing in funny ways and a large food and selling fair near the finish line. Americans have the spirit of getting rid of all the boredom and making the hard work into fun.

Then my American friend said,” But people are so into fun that they don’t want to work hard. And Thomas Edison once said opportunities…..” I do agree that opportunities come with extra work. You earned it.

I think of an even more empowering quote: opportunities are not found but created.

And that’s the spirit we can found from many entrepreneurs. They create opportunities. They make impossibilities into possibilities.

Early this August, I was searching all the interns related to business. And I found an alumnus who is in real estate industry. We kept in touch but it turned out I cannot work there as an intern if I am not a business major. The opportunity is closed.

Early this September, I was searching business courses in USD to register as an elective. I have no idea how this goes but I did extra research, I worked on this all the time.

I dont know how each time whether the opportunity will come down on me. All I have is the clear goal that I want to be connected with business people. Learn from them and expand my thinking limits and start business!!

Truth is possibilities are everywhere. And I don’t need to give up because if one opportunity closed, let me just try another one. There is no better or worse but how I make every opportunity valuable to its worth.

Jackie Ma, the most influential businessman today in China once said, always always be optimistic and where there is complaint, there is opportunity!

So empowering!

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A Chinese in SD. Live mindfully.

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